Monday, February 23, 2009
Back on the Trail Again - Finally!!!
It's that time of year again! That blessed time of year. The time of year when the Peacock's, Flink's and Bingham's hit the trail! The weather's just right and the bugs haven't come out yet, and its the perfect time of year to go out on the desert!
Dale, Dad and I went on the first trail ride of the year on saturday. We went out to Little Goblin Valley to show Dale one of San Rafael's sites that he hadn't yet had the privelage of seeing. It was as beautiful as ever, though we didn't end up going the usual route. We got turned around and ended up on the North side of the valley with the bird's eye view. It was okay though, it's still beautiful, no matter what angle you see it at.
At one point, we were on that ridge that's to the left of the valley in the background if you can see it.
Dad even road Crazy here (Can you tell she's an expecting mommy?), and she did really really well... on the ride. It was a different story however when we got back to the trailer. She decieded that she wasn't getting in the trailer for love or money, and after an hour's worth of failed attempts and rearing fits, she pulled back hard enough to break the two inch thick lead rope. This of course was after she broke both of the tail lights on the trailor. She then proceeded to take of across the wide open desert like a bat out of hell. I had to chase her sorry butt down on Durango-twice! Dad literally had to lift her two front feet into the trailer before we could get her in. And then, she kicked him twice in the legs while we were trying to make her make room to load Durango in behind her. Needless to say, we're bringing the mule halter next time we take her anywhere. We all had tons of fun though! I'd have to say for me, the funnest part was chasing Crazy across the desert on trusty ole Durango :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Picture Tag
Peacocks, Flinks, and Binghams are Home on the Range!
Monday afternoon, we decided to get off our kesters and go shoot some guns!
Valentines Day/ President's Day Weekend
Sorry it took so long to blog about this last weekend, but I have been sick these past few days with that really bad stomach flu that's going around. So, this weekend started with a trip to Salt Lake for Valentine's Day where we got to see Angela's play Tartuffe. Sadly, I forgot my camera so we didn't get any picture with her at the show, but she did great!
Then, we had a Valentine's Day dinner, cooked by the men (mostly Dave I think) of Steak and Lobster with Artichokes and sauteed mushrooms. It was DELICIOUS! We also got to hang out with the grandbabies. I didn't get a picture of Taylor and Cole, but they were there too, as cute as ever. Kayla and Elijah... I'm still not sure I'm spelling that right... anyway... Kayla and Elijah both showed off their dancing skills and I discovered that Elijah is quite the little ham. Taylor and Cole shared playing rights with their new puppy Jasper, a minature pincher who is so cute! :) Dale and I kept poor Chris and Ashley up til the wee hours of the night chatting.
Then it was back to Castle Dale so we could catch a chance to visit with Luke, Mary and Tianna while they were in town. Luke, Mary, Chris, Monica, Dale and I all stayed up late playing board and card games. Even Aden stayed up way past his bed time, and was sooo tired!

Tianna and Aden are always so cute together, but Aden was so sad to see Tianna go that he cried and cried! It was so sad:( Tianna wasn't the only one armed and dangerous this weekend. You think she has that evil grin on her face because she knows she isn't suppose to be pointing the gun at me? I got a cute video of her twirling the gun like she was in a western, but I accidently deleted it :(
Tianna and Aden are always so cute together, but Aden was so sad to see Tianna go that he cried and cried! It was so sad:( Tianna wasn't the only one armed and dangerous this weekend. You think she has that evil grin on her face because she knows she isn't suppose to be pointing the gun at me? I got a cute video of her twirling the gun like she was in a western, but I accidently deleted it :(
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Laura!!!
Happy Birthday Laura, we love you so much and miss you tons!!! I plan on adding some pictures to your birthday blog if I'm ever home before in the daylight to take them :)
This last week, Dale was in A Man for All Seasons. He was the Common Man, and he did AWESOME!!! It doesn't sound like it, but its actually a main part, and he rocked it
! He was by far my favorite character, not that I'm biased or anything. :) There is also a picture of the wonderful set that Dale was instrumental in the building, painting, and all around constructing of. The picture wasn't very good, but trust me, it was awesome!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
... Alright Alright I suck
Okay so I am officially the worst blogger in the history of the world. I haven't updated in quite awhile, and there has been quite alot going on. This isn't even a proper update, its just saying, oops, sorry, and more to come, hopefully soon.
I got engaged
Got married
Had Christmas
Had New Years
Started School Again
Dale's in a Play
And much much more
I'll try to be better from now on I promise!
I got engaged
Got married
Had Christmas
Had New Years
Started School Again
Dale's in a Play
And much much more
I'll try to be better from now on I promise!
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